DUG May 2023 in Ghent

The DUG event held in Ghent in May 2023 was organized at Dropsolid's offices, featuring informative sessions on code improvement with PHPStan and accurate estimations for Drupal projects


The Dug on 23 May in Ghent happened in the offices of Dropsolid.


Many thanks to Eva for the excellent preparations. A paper trail pointed the participants towards the well prepared room with comfy seats and great (cold) drinks and potato chips. The food (pizza) came at the planned time and there was enough for everybody, the execution was incredible. 🙏 Thank you!


There were plenty of people I had not seen in a while. That's always nice. It was great seeing Sgrame taking sketchnotes again, can't wait to see the result of that!


Improve your code with PHPStan

This was a great session from Mallezie with the full explanation on why you should use PHPSTAN and how to get your team started with it.

My personal summary:

  • You should certainly use it if you want to write future proof code
  • Older projects can start with all the current "dirty" code in the baseline and continue working with better code (and gradually clean up).
  • There's levels (0-9) and Core is at 2, small teams should start at 9 and existing projects can ramp-up.

Accurate Estimations for Drupal Projects: A Technical Perspective

The final presentation was one from Wesleydv.

What I'd like to remember:

  • There's three types of estimations, choose the one that you can sell.
  • Good Fast Cheap, Pick 2.
  • Accurate estimations don't exist.
  • Use the Westonacci sequence (Wesley's Estimations Fibonacci) 0.5h, 1h, 2h, 0.5d, 1d , 2d , 5d (or similar).


Thanks to Dropsolid for allowing this bunch in their offices at night and provide them with food and drinks. Thanks to the Drupal User Group for helping out (and Borisson_ for the photos). Thanks to the speakers for being out there!
